Monday, June 21

Dark Secrets

Oh, come on, everyone has them. I realized mine one day when The Mailman accidentally knocked a bottle of V8 out of the fridge and it broke and went all over the floor. But we'll come back to that.
I consider myself to be rather environmentally responsible. I compost, I recycle, I buy environmentally friendly detergent. We eat organic and local to the extent we are able and don't eat meat on Mondays because commercial meat production is a huge polluter. I have a dual flush, low flow toilet and a front loading washer. I cloth diapered three kids! I think that is the critical point of the story.
Once our last child, The Pretty Pretty Princess (Miss P for short) was potty trained, the old diapers became rags. What wonderful rags they were! They were absorbent and I had a ton of them. Until one day I didn't anymore. I don't really know what happened to them all. I guess some wore out and some got used for car oil and had to be thrown out. And that's when it happened. I bought some (gasp!) paper towels.
Just one roll. Bounty, with the select-a-size sheets. Oh, I know they're wasteful and they kill trees, but see, I"m only using half a sheet. Not everyday, of course. The roll will last for months. Then months will go by before I replace it. And I will put the little cardboard tube into the recycling. No guilt, no worries. Then, it was a two pack. Then it happened. The Mailman bought a twelve pack of the super size rolls that only have full sheets. I take full responsibility; I did not give clear instructions.
Back to the wounded V8 that is bleeding on the kitchen floor. I grab a wad of paper towels and hand it to him. I see he already has one, and it becomes clear to me. I am addicted to paper towels. I love them. I love cleaning up something icky and just throwing them away. They absorb better than any rag I've ever knit and nearly as well as a cast off prefold. They're always there for me and when they run out, there's more in the laundry room. So there you have it, my dark secret. Hello, my name is Christine, and I am a paper towel addict. Thanks for listening.